The Carvalho Group is a franchisee of Dunkin’ Donuts, NOT Dunkin’ Brands, Inc. or any of its affiliates. Any application or information you submit will be provided solely to The Carvalho Group who is firmly committed to the privacy of our website visitors. We do not collect personally identifying information about you when you visit our site unless you deliberately choose to provide such information to us.
We collect and store only the following non-identifying information about visitors to the site: the name of the domain from which visitors access the Internet, the date and time of access, and the Internet address of any other website from which visitor’s link to our site. We use this information to measure the number of visitors to different sections of our site and to help us make our site more useful to readers.
Contact, RESUME, and Application Forms
If you complete an application form, upload a resume and share your personally identifying information, this information will be used only to apply for the respective position. If you email us with a question or comment, we will use personally identifying information from the email primarily to respond to your query. We will not share your name, email address, or other information with any outside parties.
Web Links
Throughout our site, we provide links to other websites that may contain information of interest to our readers. We take no responsibility for, and exercise no control over, the organizations, views, or accuracy of the information contained on other websites. Permission is not needed to link to our site from another website.
Use of Content
If you would like to post or publish information that you find on our website, please send your request to Although we are happy to share information, note that the content on our site is copyrighted. Photographs in particular require permission to use.
Website Questions
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this website, or your dealings with this site, you can contact us at